• User Notice

    We will respond to you within 2 business days.

    Please make sure you have entered the correct email address.

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    Warranty Eligibility---Products must at all times be used in a manner consistent with their intended use.

    12V 200Ah for RV, high-speed boat, high power UPS

    12V 100Ah for RV, high-speed boat, high power UPS

    12V 21Ah for motors, ATV, electric toys, fish finder, water pumps, security cameras, lights

    12V 9.5Ah for UPS

    12V 9Ah for UPS

    12V 7Ah for security alarm

    12V 5Ah for security alarm

    12V 2.3Ah for emergency light

    6V 7Ah for emergency light

    6V 5Ah for emergency light

  • Warranty Request Form